By Ray Fowler New!
Amazing Personal Encounters With Synchronicity
And Other Strange Phenomena The author is no stranger to tackling mysteries. He is internationally known as a highly competent investigator of the paranormal and a trustworthy chronicler of such in ten books. The New York Times exclaimed that his best-selling book, The Andreasson Affair, "if true, must rank with the great classics of scientific revelation." Air Force chief UFO scientific consultant, Dr. J. Allen Hynek wrote that his UFO investigations are "meticulous" and "far exceed" that of the government. Dr. Kenneth Ring, father of Near Death Experience [NDE] research wrote that Fowler's researched book on Near Death and UFO experiences "may well have deciphered the ultimate nature and meaning" of these baffling phenomena. In SynchroFile, Fowler applies the same kind of meticulous research into the supernatural-like synchronistic experiences that permeate his life. This book compiles the results of his research into Jungian psychology, the New Physics and his study of a ten-year diary of personal and family experiences of amazing coincidences and paranormal experiences. His research leads to the incredulous conclusion that time is an illusion and that reports of synchronicity, ghosts, out of the body experiences, near death experiences, UFOs, precognition, telepathy, and other extrasensory experiences are all individual expressions of one intelligent-like meta-phenomenon. ORDER FROM LOCAL OR ON-LINE BOOKSTORES SUCH AS AMAZON.COM
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UFO Testament (542 pages)
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The Andreasson Affair Phase Two The Andreasson Legacy The Watchers II
The Allagash Abductions
The Melchizedek Connection
(Novel) UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors
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